Share Report Save Continue this thread level 2 3 years ago I personaly liked the ending. Share Report Save Continue this thread level 2 3 years ago Meh, out of the hundreds of Manga I read, probably less than 3 had a decent ending. Share Report Save Continue this thread level 2 3 years ago Oh god, thanks for the warning. I can understand how something like that couldve caused him to just give up and make an extremely inconclusive ending (not that it was for sure the reason, I would just understand if that was the case). Ive been through suddenly losing my own father, and that shit can definitely take its toll on you. Share Report Save level 2 3 years ago In his defense, the mangaka dedicated the series (or at least the final volume) to his late father, who passed away as he was writing the final volume. Just stop reading at the end of volume 21 and imagine your own ending, because I can guarantee you itll be 100 less disappointing than the actual ending. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Log In Sign Up User account menu 121 Im loving this series so far (I Am A Hero). Share komik ini bantu cepat update Share Facebook Share Twitter Share WhatsApp Hero I Quit A Long Time Ago Zero adalah superhero nyata pertama manusia.ĭi bawah arlojinya, superhero lain yang tak terhitung jumlahnya muncul dan mengikuti jejaknya.

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