The many options (written in the XML compiled to bgl) are to numerous to list for KMIA so follow the instructions in the README and just sit back (or fly) and plane spot either VMC or IMC for a very active airport. All 4 runways for KMIA are now simultaneously active for both departure and arrival.

This will cause ATC to vector your AI Traffic back to 9L/27R (old numbers) 8R/26L (new numbers) which is also a Terminal departure runway. Barts in my FSD Pilatus Porter (a legendary STOL aircraft that I have many hundreds of hours on) and I still had problems. ATC will no longer use this runway for AI Traffic because FS9 sees it as a visual runway. The only instrument approaches are VOR and Locator for the 7100 ft long. The LDA of 7218 feet distance is also reported by Jeppesen in their 10-9A chart. Saint Martin (or Sint Maarten) island is divided in two territories: One is part. If you add a new ILS runway to an airport such as KMIA (Miami International Airport 8L/26R) only the user aircraft can use this runway when visibility falls below 3 miles. The Airport Master Record 5010 for TNCM/SXM shows the LDA for RWY 10 at 7447 feet (essentially the runway length), but there is a displaced threshold of 328 feet at RWY 10, thereby reducing the LDA from 7546 feet (minus 328 feet) to 7218 feet. As most know initiating the ILS at certain airports for AI Traffic is not a function at this time when using AFCAD2. So naturally runway 10 is used for both landing and takeoffs in FSX. C Jobim Rio de Janeiro Brazil TNCM Princess Juliana St Maarten I Netherlands.

UPDATED KMIA see the readme file - By design KMIA is now the most advanced ATC controlled airport in the FS9 database. P3D V3 Scenery: Lockheed MartinPrepar3D v3SimMarketT2G EDDM.