JPMorgan’s decision to accuse him of deception and to seek to recoup past compensation marks a dramatic change in approach for the bank which had hitherto supported its former executive. Staley has steadfastly denied any knowledge of Epstein’s alleged abuse. Bloomberg reports that JPMorgan also wants Staley to pay any fines associated with the outcome of two civil lawsuits brought against JPMorgan by one of Epstein’s victims and by the US Virgin Islands. The $80m refers to his earnings at the bank for seven years until he left.

Staley spent 30 years working for JPMorgan and left in 2013.

The ex-Barclays CEO and ex-head of JPMorgan’s private bank and wealth management division already had £22m of Barclays bonuses withheld while the bank investigates his links to alleged paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, now he stands to lose $80m+ of his earnings from JPMorgan too. Jes Staley’s time of cruising around one of the finest wooden yachts ever may be coming to an end.